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  • Istituto di Intelligenza Meccanica

Training for elevating platform operators: concludes BRIC project, coordinated by Inail in collaboration with Sant'Anna School and University of Pisa

Scheduled for the concluding event is the seminar "Augmented reality for the safety of elevating work platforms", Wednesday, June 21, in Rome

Publication date: 09.06.2023
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BRIC, a project started in 2019 and carried out by Inail's Department of Technological Innovations, in collaboration with the Institute of Mechanical Intelligence of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies and the Department of Translational Research and New Technologies in Medicine and Surgery of the University of Pisa, concludes. The concluding event, scheduled for Wednesday, June 21, in Rome, will include the seminar "La realtà aumentata per la sicurezza delle piattaforme di lavoro elevabili".

BRIC achieves its goal of providing a training tool to support a safety education and training protocol for equipment operators and personnel dedicated to periodic verification activities. A demonstration session of the realized device, which uses technologies capable of producing a motion-based simulation with immersive 3-D graphics, through which operators can interact with a virtual operating scenario, also enabling the reproduction of complex and/or dangerous situations, which in normal training and training conditions cannot be tested but which experience has shown to be the cause of frequent accidents and injuries, is planned during the event. The tool is also useful for training new personnel involved in periodic verification activities, ensuring a course that is certainly faster but at the same time effective from the point of view of reproducing different situations to deal with, which would otherwise require periods of shadowing that are not always practically manageable in relation to the need for personnel.


Participation is free, but with mandatory registration via this form.

More information HERE and in the attached poster.


Cover (left to right): Nicoletti Alessandro (PTA School of Advanced Studies Sant'Anna), Facenza Gabriele (PTA School of Advanced Studies Sant'Anna), and Piazza Fabio, research fellow at the Institute of Mechanical Intelligence.